Hi, my name is Andrew David.


I spend my work life and spare time playing with words and ideas. I’m currently Research Editor for the Behavioral Neuroscience Group at the University of Washington and Veterans Affairs Puget Sound Health Care System, Managing Editor of The Other Journal, and a freelance editor who particularly likes working with literary fiction and creative nonfiction. Over the last six years, I’ve had the good fortune to straddle two very different worlds—at The Other Journal I edit and acquire theology and philosophy essays, cultural criticism, and creative writing, including several theology and creative nonfiction books, whereas at the Behavioral Neuroscience Group I edit grants, manuscripts, and newsletters for psychiatric geneticists who study Alzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia, and post-traumatic stress disorder. When I’m not editing, I annoy my neighbors with Ben Folds Five and Outkast piano covers, play co-ed soccer in the Seattle cold, and lose myself in conversations with friends. I also like Oreos.


If you’re looking for an editor, I hope you’ll browse my website and consider whether I might be able to assist you with your writing project.


Thanks for visiting!



PS Many thanks to Steven Van Selus for designing these pages

and to Dyana Herron and Lindsey Beach for inspiration.

The background images include scribbles, scratches, and edits by

Noah Webster and Robert Louis Stevenson.